

2024, Backup Power: Public Implications of Private Substitutes for Electric Grid Reliability (with Paul Brehm and Sarah Johnston), Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Pre-publication version

2019, “Optimal Fiscal Limits with Overrides” (with Stephen Coate), Journal of Public Economics, 174, 76-92

On-line Appendix
Pre-publicaton version

Relaxing Electoral Constraints in Local Education Funding Accepted Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (with Michel Grosz)

Working Papers

Crowd-Out of Private Contributions to Local Public Goods: Evidence from School Tax Referenda

Work in Progress

“Intra-district Allocation of School Facilities Spending” (with Michel Grosz)
“The Volatility Penalty: Income Aggregation and Tax Policy” (with Corina Mommaerts)
“The Kansas Tax Experiment: Did Industries Benefit?” (with Jehu Mette)

Other Work

“University Endowment Growth: Assessing Policy Proposals” (with Ronald Ehrenberg), 2014. Cornell Higher Education Research Institute Working Paper, WP162